What is it about love?


Love.. what exactly is it about love that makes us all do crazy unthinkable things? Its as if our minds are possessed by thoughts that drive us insane.. but in a good way.

I remember the first time i fell in love, it all started so unexpectedly and i think thats why it was the greatest love i have ever experienced in my life and yes, i know I’m only 20 years old but i believe that love has no start date, one person can never be sure of when they will fall so deeply in love with another being and for me i find that quite romantic, you never know whats around the corner and it almost has an element of surprise but don’t get me wrong, its also very fucking frustrating at times especially when you’re tired of being alone and just want to be happy, you want to fine the one person you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with.

Love is probably the one thing in our lives that provide us with that real feeling of comfort, the feeling that we are safe and that as long as we have our person we will always be okay. But you see, thats the thing about love; thats how we all THINK its going to be and most of the time it is but let me tell you now, love. is. not. easy. No matter how in love with your person you may be, love will never be easy.

You see, it takes a great amount of time an patience to really get to know your person but i can assure you it is most definitely worth the wait. A lot of people these days tend to be careful when it comes to relationships, i know i am but the reasons for it run deep. You may have to wait a long time for some people to open up which can be frustrating on your part but please know that it is okay for people to take their time. There is no time limit set for when you have to reveal all your deepest darkest secrets or your past. Now you see, i am one of those people who takes a while to open up and it really has had its negative affects on past relationships. I am scared of commitment and no not because i like to mess around and want to be ‘free’, i am simply scared of trusting one person so much that i am unable to talk to them about anything and everything in fear that they will soon leave me. Now, people similar to me need constant reassurance that you are there for them and you love them, they need to know that no matter what they tell you, you will be by there side and will not judge them in any way. So be patient, let them open up to you when THEY’RE ready, not when you’re ready otherwise you will get nowhere and the relationship will not grow further. So give them time, just be there for them as much as you can and you will eventually see them opening up to you even when you’re not asking them to.

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